Devious Desires Glitches

While using Devious Desires, you’ve probably experienced more than a few glitches; not too surprising given how complex the mod is for the authors to maintain especially when interacting with other mods.

I have personally managed to find workarounds for some of the more common glitches, and have decided to share them here.

Glued Feet/Locked Limbs

These are glitches that pretty much always happen to Thralls when performing animations on them, described as follows:

Locked Limbs are where your thralls refuse to react to your Devious Desires puppeteer sliders. i,e. moving the arms or legs sliders do not actually move the thrall’s arms or legs.

Glued feet are where your thrall’s feet refuse to leave their default position, resulting in some… bizarre effects to say the least in certain animations.

Both of these can be resolved by forcing somewhat of a ‘Reset’ on the Thrall’s animations, and there are two reliable methods I found to do this, These must be applied to a Thrall BEFORE you perform any animations on them; so if they are in a glitched state, clear their animations and set them back to their regular standing position.

Solution 1: Using the IQOL mod Preset Menu

To solution requires you to save your thralls appearance in IQOL (unless you don’t mind losing it), and then reload it from a saved preset. Their animations will reset and the glitches will no longer appear for that thrall going forward.

It’s quite a simple solution, but the main issue is the need to constantly open the IQOL menus and maintain your appearance slots, which can get a bit tedious. (Reminder: Shortcut keys are Shift+M for the IQOL menu)

Solution 2: Using the Devious Desires Menu

This is the option I usually go with, but may be slower than the IQOL method unless you use hotkeys to map the various Devious Desires actions.

To do this, Target the Thrall with Devious Desires-> Open the DD Puppeteer menu and make a limb adjustment, no matter how small (even if they won’t physically react if affected by the Locked Limbs glitch mentioned above).

Following this, open their inventory and equip/unequip any piece of gear. You will see their animations undergo a forced reset, and then no more glitchiness the next time you perform a DD animation.

The glitches should now be resolved for those thralls, hope you found this useful!